Below are the latest updates from the PTA.
Thank you to 4th and 5th grade children and families at LCTA for coming out last night to see the GWMS presentation with Principal Mazur! It was a productive way to learn about academics at GWMS and…lockers, uniforms (none), sports and more!
Thank you to all our Classroom Liaisons Volunteers for participating in our PTA meeting to assist our volunteers in their role. Please expect a follow-up note to address some outstanding questions.
Congratulations to all our student/grade and class winners announced at the Walk-a-thon Assembly last week! A special congratulations to Ms. Allen who won raffle for the Orange Theory 10-pack of classes!!
**Remember TODAY is our annual holiday luncheon where parents are invited to join your child(ren) for lunch in the Cafeteria/MPR. To view your child’s scheduled holiday lunch time, click here***
**Remember Friday Night is MOVIE NIGHT-6pm! Free pizza and a showing of the special movie “ WONDER”. Please, no unaccompanied children. Bring blankets, pillows to get cozy in the MPR
Safety on our Streets
LCTA is being considered for Grant funding for improvements to our streets around our school. We need to support the grant request with data. Please take the time to complete the survey and submit your thoughts!
After School Program
The current session will come to an end the week of December 10th, with last classes held on December 13th.
NOTE: the theater class will have a production of a Christmas Carol on Thursday December 13th at the Little Theater Academy at 3:15pm. All are welcome to attend this free production. It will be a production by the combined K-5 After school theater classes.
Session 2 beings on January 14th and ends on March 7th. Registration is now open. Preview the schedule here.
Tonight-LTCA Military Families Group Meet Up, December 5, 7:00 PM , District Taco (701 S Washington St, Alexandria)
Come join us over chips and salsa, and meet other military families at LTCA, answer any questions or concerns, and start planning events for next semester. Everyone is welcome! Questions: Annette Maldonado at
Boxtops! AND Passive Fundraising
Keep sending in your boxtops to your classrooms. Every classroom has a container. It is an easy way for us to raise money for our school!
Don’t forget LCTA as you work on your holiday shopping! Shop through, select LylesCrouch as your charity for LCTA PTA to receive a percentage on qualifying purchases. LCTA gets 15% when you shop at for healthy living and environmentally friendly products. LCTA earns extra cash when you order through
For more information on our Passive Fundraising opportunities, click here
Special Education Committee Meeting, December 11th, 7:30-9:00pm, District Taco
Committee meetings are held monthly and open to anyone with an interest in special education in our school. The purpose of the group is to enhance the experience of students with special needs and their families at LCTA .
Membership Directory
Download the updated directory here.
Character Counts-Volunteers Needed
This month Character Counts is focusing on gratitude and showing our support to Alexandria’s first responders— the police and the firefighters. Students and families can bring in baked goods on December 20th. That day students can also participate in delivering those baked goods to the police and firefighters. If you are interested in delivering, please be in touch with Molly at But even if you can’t join in the delivery, we hope you will consider bringing in baked goods to the office in December 20th.
Please consider Nurse Wood and her family this holiday season. Currently we are offering the family support through
A GO FUND ME-in hopes of providing a memorable vacation for the family. Note-Funding will close December 21st.
LCTA parents Lauren Bishop and Nicole Garwood are hosting an event Thursday December 6th, 6:30-8:30pm at newly opened store, J.McLaughlin in Old Town (1125 King Street) and 15% of sales will benefit National Breast Center Foundation. Come out for some holiday fun and support this important cause connected to our LCTA community!
Teacher Breakfast-December 19th hosted by 2nd grade parents
Each month the PTA sponsors a breakfast for our teachers at LCTA. This month, the 2nd grade will host the breakfast. Please sign up for what you can bring! Items need to be delivered to the office the afternoon before or before 7:00 a.m. on the morning of the breakfast. Thank you so much!
International Night - Mark it on your calendar now - May 14th, 2019
This is the biggest night on our school calendar. Last year saw 44 countries represented by our very own LCTA families. It is a wonderful adventure for our children and families to “travel the world” at Lyles-Crouch learning about the many different cultures and customs represented by our rich and diverse community. Planning this big night takes time, Sign up now to join in the fun of the night and represent a country!
Parent Social
Watch this space for a casual parent social to be scheduled post-holiday madness in Jan/Feb timeframe.
December 5th – 7:00pm, District Taco, LCTA Military families group meet-up
December 6th - 6:30-8:30pm, J.McLaughlin Store, Shopping to support National Breast Center Foundation
December 6th-7:45-8:15am, Uniform Locker
December 6th-10am-1pm, Cafeteria/MPR-Holiday Luncheon (families invited to join grades for specially prepared Holiday Luncheon)
December 7th – 6:00pm, MPR, Family Movie Night
December 10th- 8:00am, Library, PTA Executive Board Meeting
December 11th – 7:30pm, District Taco, Special Education Committee Meeting
December 13th – 3:15pm, Production of “A Christmas Carol” by LCTA ASP theater classes. All are welcome to attend this free event at the LTA.
December 19th – Teacher appreciation b’fast (facilitated by 2nd grade parent donations)
December 21st – Most Classroom Holiday parties
December 21st – Holiday begins