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PTA news and upcoming events!

Legislative Affairs

LCTA Legislative Affairs next meeting: January 10th, Firehook Bakery, 8:15am -Open to all.

Topics: Superintendent's proposed budget, Possible new initiatives for school funding on the state level, Plans for T.C. Williams capacity issues, LCTA Playground update

Government shutdown-cafeteria benefits for LCTA families

With the government shutdown impacting many of our families, ACPS school nutrition services encourage parents to submit an application for meal benefits at While there is no prohibition on households applying for benefits during a furlough, School Nutrition Services would process the application in a manner that reflects the unique circumstances of the family. For example, children with parents or guardians who are not receiving income must indicate their income as zero ‘0’ or leave the field blank.


Click here to order a loveline. Deadline to submit a loveline: February 14th.

Note: Lovelines will be by online order/upload of photo. No paper form submissions.

January 29th, 6:30-9:00pm, Union Street Public House, PARENT SOCIAL

Join fellow LCTA parents for a PARENT SOCIAL at Union Street Public House on January 29th, 6:30-9:00pm. Appetizers and light fare will be on us!

Breakfast for Dinner, January 15th Royal Restaurant, 5:00-7:30pm

Come in your Pajamas for this annual favorite on the PTA Calendar- Dine out on buffet breakfast at the Royal Restaurant 5:00-7:00pm. $12 per adult, $6 per child dining. This is a fun event that is well attended.

Character Counts

Blessings in a Backpack food drive, Jan 22-25, the PTA will be out front of school at drop off hours collecting food items. Items needed are; milk/juice boxes or pouches, breakfast cereal bars, individual cereal boxes or cups, canned vegetables, canned ravioli/spaghetti. Hearty soup, chili or stew, canned tuna or chicken breast meat. Gift cards to grocery stores are also welcome along with check donations made payable to LCTA PTA (with Blessings in a backpack in the memo line)

After School Program

By now you should have received your confirmation notices. If for any reason you have not received confirmation, please contact Baroody Camps,

Session 2 will begin next week and runs January 14th - March 7th, 2019

Safer Streets around LCTA

Help us win the 50k grant! Retweet this video. We have 175 tweets. If we reach 200, we will have a strong lead in the competition. We are one of 25 finalists nationwide.

The PTA has been working closely with Alexandria Families For Safe Streets (AFSS) and Safe Routes to School (SRTS), Alexandria Police and city environment and planning officials to try to advocate for measures to make the streets around our school safer. We have currently been assigned a “D” rating for the number of accidents and near misses recorded in the streets around our school. We need you to do your part!!!!



Kindergarten Open House-January 16th , 9:00am, MPR

Spread the word with your friends and neighbors to join us for this informational session and tour at LCTA.

This is for prospective parents only. No childcare is available.

Teacher Breakfast-January 17th hosted by 1st grade parents.

Each month the PTA sponsors a breakfast for our teachers at LCTA. This month, the 1st grade will host the breakfast. Please sign up for what you can bring! Items need to be delivered to the office the afternoon prior or before 7:00 a.m. on the morning of the breakfast. Thank you so much!

International Night – May 14th

Sign up now to showcase a country/culture on the night.


January 10 th-Legislative Affairs, January 10th at 8:15am, Firehook Bakery

January 14th-PTA Executive Board Meeting, Library, 8:00am, all welcome.

January 14th-ASP program begins session 2

January 15th- Breakfast for Dinner, 5:00-7:30pm, Royal Restaurant

January 16th – Kindergarten Open House, 9:00am, MPR (Prospective Kindergarten parents)

January 17th-Teacher Appreciation Breakfast facilitated by the first grade

January 21st- Holiday (MLK Jr. Day)

January 22-25th-Blessings in a Backpack collection of food items at morning drop off

January 29th-Parent Social, Union Street Public House, 6:30-9:00pm

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