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The LCTA PTA wishes you a very Happy New Year!

January 29th, 6:30-9:00pm, Union Street Public House

Join fellow LCTA parents for a post-holiday glass of cheer at Union Street Public House on January 29th, 6:30-9:00pm. Appetizers and light fare will be on us!

Breakfast for Dinner, January 15th  Royal Restaurant, 5:00-7:30pm

Come in your Pajamas for this annual favorite on the PTA Calendar- Dine out on buffet breakfast at the Royal Restaurant 5:00-7:00pm. This is a fun event that is well attended.

Interested in joining the PTA Executive Board?

We are preparing the ballot for the 19-20 school year. Please contact Jane at if you are interested to serve in a role on our executive board. For descriptions of positions and an overview of our current board click here.

Character Counts

Blessings in a Backpack food drive, Jan 22-25, the PTA will be out front of school at drop off hours collecting food items. Items needed are; milk/juice boxes or pouches, breakfast cereal bars, individual cereal boxes or cups, canned vegetables, canned ravioli/spaghetti. Hearty soup, chili or stew, canned tuna or chicken breast meat. Gift cards to grocery stores are also welcome along with check donations made payable to LCTA PTA (with Blessings in a backpack in the memo line)

After School Program

We are grateful to Dr. Zissios and the teaching staff at LCTA for supporting the PTA to provide an after school enrichment program for our families! We had another successful registration sign-up for this second session about to begin. Many of the classes are full and in a few cases we had to run a second class. Please expect your after school program confirmation notices on Monday next week.

Session 2 will begin on January 14th  - March 7th, 2019

For our K parents, new to the program, please familiarize yourself with the dismissal procedures.

Allergy safe complimentary snacks will be provided to all children

Grant Funding for Safer Streets-We need your help!-Please retweet our video!

LCTA and JH elementary schools (Both schools are rated “D” with regard to street safety in their respective school zones) have been working with Alexandria Families For Safe Streets (AFSS) on a grant for $50,000 funded by Zendrive, Uber, Lyft to help improve street safety around our schools.  We are delighted to announce that we are one of the 25 finalists in the nationwide competition.  As the final step in the competitive process, AFSS must post a short video we have been working on their twitter account @alxsafestreets.   The video follows an outline per the Grant rules.  We are asking as many people as possible to “re-tweet” the video which will also be posted on the LCTA twitter feed. Help support us in our efforts!

A panel of expert judges will award up to $50,000 to the finalist with the best plan and video. Here’s the catch: every retweet will support our submission to win this award! Your retweet will improve our chances of winning the $50,000 award to improve road safety in our community


Our yearbook crew have been hard at work. The Link to order yearbook(s) will be released in E-Roar, January 16. Yearbooks can be ordered January 16-February 14 for the early bird price of $20. After February 14 the price will increase to $30. 

Want to submit a dedicated photo and message in this years’ copy of Yearbook “Loveline”- Look for the link to submit Lovelines in next week’s e-roar.   Deadline to submit a loveline: February 14. Pricing and sizing options for Lovelines: Full page: $225, 1/2 page: $150 (3 photos maximum), 1/4 page: $60 (one photo), 1/8 page: $30 (one photo), 1/20 page: $10 (text only). 

Kindergarten Open House-January 16th , 9:00am, MPR

Spread the word with your friends and neighbors to join us for this informational session and tour at LCTA.

This is for prospective parents only. No childcare is available.

Teacher Breakfast-January 17th hosted by 1st grade parents. 

Each month the PTA sponsors a breakfast for our teachers at LCTA.  This month, the 1st grade will host the breakfast.  Please sign up for what you can bring!  Items need to be delivered to the office the afternoon before or before 7:00 a.m. on the morning of the breakfast.  Thank you so much!

Legislative Affairs

LCTA Legislative Affairs next meeting: January 10th, Firehook Bakery, 8:15am

Topics to include updates on TAG and Special Education initiatives in ACPS, as well as the superintendent’s 2019-20 budget request.

Alexandria School Board induction and reception: January 7th, T.C. Williams auditorium, 7pm (public invited)

International Night – May 14th

Sign up now to showcase a country/culture on the night.

Update Nurse Wood

Passport Photos have been taken, tickets purchased and plans are being made….There is still time to contribute to the GO FUND ME-in hopes of providing a memorable vacation for the family. The PTA appreciates your support to this cause close to all our hearts!


January 8th- Special Education Committee Meeting, District Taco, 7:30pm

January 14th-PTA Executive Board Meeting, Library, 8:00am, all welcome.

January 14th-ASP program begins session 2

January 15th- Breakfast for Dinner, 5:00-7:30pm, Royal Restaurant

January 16th – Kindergarten Open House, 9:00am, MPR (Prospective Kindergarten parents)

January 16th – Link available to Order Yearbooks. Early bird pricing effective until February 14th. Lovelines deadline February 14th.

January 17th-Teacher Appreciation Breakfast facilitated by the first grade

January 21st- Holiday (MLK Jr. Day)

January 21st- Character Counts Volunteer Service Opportunity Meals on Wheels (MLK Jr. Day-Holiday)

January 22-25th-Blessings in a Backpack collection of food items at morning drop off

January 29th-Parent Social, Union Street Public House, 6:30-9:00pm

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