Uniform Locker

Our school is a uniform school. As such, to help support our families, the PTA runs a Uniform Locker, which is stocked with gently used items for your family to shop free of charge. The Uniform Locker is open at least once a month, and all are welcome!
The Uniform Locker is located by the side entrance of the school, near the school parking lot.
Donations are accepted year-round to the front office or at the Locker itself whenever it is open. Sign up to be a PTA member here so you can receive our eROARs email newsletter and not miss the date of our next Uniform Locker right in your inbox.
If there is a need to access the Locker outside of the times it is open, please contact our social worker, Ms. Kelly Robinson, at kelly.robinson@acps.k12.va.us.
More information on the specifics of our school Uniform Policy follows below.
Volunteers Requested: We would love to have your help in operating some dates and times to have the Locker open for our community. If you're able to commit to helping, we'd love to have your involvement! You can learn more here.